duminică, 28 decembrie 2014

This one "is about time!"

Time is unrelenting. No one can't speed it, no one can't stop it... And God! how much we would love to freeze it sometimes,right?

But we can't. We are made of time... Time is what forms us, time is giving us shape, time is giving us a voice.. but it also shuts us up or destroys us.
So if we know that outcome or at least expect it anyway.. Why are we so eager to fight it? We cannot win evidentely. We can get to what we desire or what we expect but we cannot control the amount of time until that happens.

So what am i saying, that we should just give up? You would ask...

Of course we shouldn't. 
But time has to be embraced not fought against. It should be used in your favour. Because yes, we might not control it, we might not speed it ... But we defentely can use it in our advantage. 

So that is the what... Where is the how , right? 

Right in your hands.

So what if it will pass a lot of time until you get or achieve something? 
Don't give up! Time will pass anyway.
So why would you stop? 
One should never stop... You will never get to catch it up but at least you won't be static. If you are static how can you deal with something that is moving continously?

You just can't. 

Don't abandon you dreams, your expectations... Time has a long road designed for you... And how will you be able to discover it if you stop and don't walk it through?
That road is only yours to have. 

That's the thing you should fight for!

Never stop! Take everything! Everything is yours to have!

vineri, 21 noiembrie 2014

Bring it on!

When life gives you a hard time... just say "Bring it on!" 

This choice of words is meant to describe those moments when life seems overwhelming and you are at your downess... 
But unlike in my title, most of us, instead of fighting it ... We just give into it. And well , when we are negative and have a failure anticipation attitude about us and our lives .. what does that attract ?
More negativity.And of course, failure.

Just say : "Bring it on!" ... "You cannot take me down! I am strong and i will deal with all your obstacles with dignity and grace."

I am not talking here about optimism and faith. There is a fine line between that and being completely idiotic.

Most of us are confused by being positive and by being optimistic. They go around the same circle evidentely but it doesn t mean that they have equall meanings.
So let me try to draw a wall between them :

Positive thinking : it is when you focus on the present goodness of your life and you see the beauty and the prosperity that you desire from your future as a fact;as something that you are gonna get eventually because you know that if you are positive you will attract positive things in your life. Simple law of attraction,  right ?

Optimism : is when you see both positive and negative parts of your life but you focus on hoping for the best. So there , being optimistic implies hope and faith while being positive is (or it should be) a constant state of mind without implying other feelings.

So why are people afraid of being positive and to trust themselfs? To trust they deserve good things? 

Why do we all crave for goodnees but are teriffied of embracing it?? Why is easier to give into sorrow?

I cannot even sum out all the people that walked my life asking me how the hell can i still be positive with all the crap that i deal with. 
It's really simple really. I don't want to get deeper into it. Getting deeper into it will be worse. 

You know what? Most people waste their lifes thinking them through and falling in their traps(and how many traps are there!) and they forget a very important thing : TO LIVE !

I have been there myself... I was so bad into it ... And nothing good came out it. My mind was so busy developing negative thoughts and thinking and mostly FEARING that the worst will get to me .. And well i anticipated failure. And guess what ?

I failed badly.

So it got me thinking, i was doing what i was always doing... And well.. I had what i have always had. 
Nothing in common with what i desired for myself of course.

Again.. Simple law of attraction.

So how about instead of crying over those bank debts that drawn money from you monthly ( debts you made by your decisions .. Decided by the bad circumstances you once encountered) focus on the health you are blessed with ? Health that will help you survive everything? 
How about focusing on the luck you have of being loved by someone ? Ever thought you might be the most important person in someone's life?
Have you ever been grateful for being gifted with so much life... For waking up in the morning with a new chance at hand to make it better?!

How about saying "Bring it on!" And do something different today , something your future self with be grateful for!